A Moment with Anna

Week 1: Advent Fireside Chat & Song

Anna E. Rendell

I wanted to give you an actual moment of Christmas. So here we are, with a Sunday night fireside chat. I’ll meet you here each Sunday evening of Advent with a devotion, prayer, and song played by Jared Rendell.

Tonight’s duet is one of our favorite covers of Come Thou Long-expected Jesus, by Meredith Andrews. I’ll read the December 1st entry from A Moment of Christmas with you, and I can’t promise that we edited out the toilet flushing or kid footsteps! Nothing about this is perfect - a cracked note here and there, the dog's tail thumping, the lit but not yet decorated tree - and yet that’s what makes it just right.

Happy December. We’re here.
Find the podcast, playlist, and book at AnnaRendell.com.